New: signed prints featuring Stella, Sam and Caramba!

I am often asked if I sell my original drawings. As a matter of fact I don't, because they are fragile and sensitive to light, which is why I have donated most of my original artwork to the Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa and The Osborne Collection of Early Children's books at the Toronto Public Library. Also, this means that my archives are available for viewing by anyone interested or passionate about picture book art.

However, now I have decided to offer signed and numbered high-quality prints of some of my art. You can take a look at the new store on this site.

Le Prix Claude Aubry Award

 Last night Marie-Louise Gay was awarded le Prix Claude Aubry at  the gala presentation of the French language TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

The Claude Aubry Award was established in 1981 in honour of the late Claude Aubry, who served as director of the Ottawa Public Library. The biennial award is given to an individual for distinguished service within the field of children’s literature by IBBY Canada.

Hier soir, Marie-Louise Gay a reçu le Prix Claude Aubry au Musée des Beaux Arts de Montréal lors du gala des Prix TD de littérature canadienne pour l’enfance et la jeunesse.

Le prix Claude Aubry a vu le jour en 1981 en l’honneur du regretté Claude Aubry de la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa. Le Prix est décerné tous les deux ans par IBBY Canada et récompense une contribution exceptionnelle dans le domaine de la littérature jeunesse.

Marie-Louise Gay's books are available from your favourite wholesaler or bookstore.
Or visit Groundwood Books.