It’s hard to believe but Stella, Star of the Sea was first published 20 years ago! I wrote and illustrated the simple story of a little girl who discovers the wonders of the sea with her tiny brother Sam. When I wrote the story, I wanted to focus on the child’s point of view. How a child would perceive, understand and discover the secrets of a place that he or she had never seen. I wanted to develop a dialogue between a younger sibling and his slightly older and more knowledgeable sister. I wrote dialogues peppered with questions and answers, at once serious and whimsical:
“Where do starfish come from?” asked Sam.
“Starfish are shooting stars that fell in love with the sea,” answered Stella.
My intention was to write only one story but after Stella, Star of the Sea was published in 1999, I missed my two small friends and I began to see the natural world through their eyes and their curiosity. So, one day, as I walked through a lovely snowstorm, I wondered how Stella and Sam would see the winter landscape, and Stella, Queen of the Snow was born.
I went on to write and illustrate six Stella books and three Sam books.
Since then… Stella and Sam have learned to speak many languages. The books have travelled around the world and were published in over twenty different languages…here are a few: in Chinese, Hebrew, Welsh, Korean, Portuguese and Slovenian.
Various Stella books have won awards over the years: the Mr Christie’s Book Award, the Ruth Schwartz Award, the IBBY International Honour List, the Elizabeth Mrazik Cleaver Award, to name a few, while others were shortlisted for the Governor General’s Award.
Since then…Stella and Sam have become world travellers. They have traveled on letters, packages and postcards, since two Stella illustrations were reproduced on postage stamps issued by Canada Post.
Since then…Stella and Sam have become international TV stars in an animated TV series created by Radical Sheep and based on the Stella books: The Stella and Sam Show, 52 episodes, some of which I wrote and worked on as a creative consultant.
Also, a play was created in Lisbon by the theater group Gato que Ladra with live actors playing Stella and Sam.
I feel very fortunate that my Stella and Sam stories are read and loved by children all over the world. I have been touched by the hundreds of letters and drawings that I have received from children and their parents who shared the stories of Stella and Sam. I have been inundated by letters from teachers and students who have read and studied my Stella books and have created art, new stories and fantastic projects inspired by my books. They have let their imagination run wild!
Thank you to all my readers and writers and artists!
Happy Anniversary Stella and Sam!
Stella, étoile de la mer a été publié il y a déjà vingt ans! J’ai écrit cette histoire toute simple d’une petite fille qui découvre les merveilles de la mer avec son cadet, Sacha. Lorsque j’ai écrit cette histoire, j’ai voulu d’abord la raconter du point de vue de l’enfant…Ses perceptions, sa compréhension, sa curiosité, son enchantement devant les merveilles du monde naturel et inconnu. J’ai voulu développer un dialogue entre frère et soeur, constellé de questions et réponses, parfois sérieuses ou farfelues et poétiques:
-D’où viennent les étoiles de mer? demande Sacha.
-Du ciel, répond Stella. Ce sont des étoiles filantes qui sont tombées amoureuses de la mer.
J’avais l’intention de n’écrire qu’une seule histoire, mais après la publication de Stella, étoile de la mer, je me suis ennuyée de mes deux petits personnages et je ne pouvais voir le monde qu’à travers leur yeux. Les yeux de l’enfance. Lors d’une promenade durant une belle tempête de neige, l’histoire de Stella,reine des neiges m’est venue dans un tourbillon de flocons.
Depuis lors…Stella et Sacha ont appris à parler plusieurs langues puisque les livres ont été publiés en une vingtaine de langues, entre autres, en turc, en espagnol et en japonais…
Stella et Sacha ont reçu plusieurs honneurs, entre autres, le Prix M.Christie, le Prix Ruth Schwartz, le Prix IBBY international, liste d’honneur, le Prix Elizabeth Mrazik Cleaver et plusieurs nominations au Prix du Gouverneur Général.
Stella et Sacha ont aussi voyagé à travers le monde sur des lettres, des cartes postales et des colis, Postes Canada ayant crée deux timbres à leur éffigie.
Stella et Sacha sont devenus des vedettes internationales d’une série animée à la télé, 52 épisodes basées sur les livres. (à voir sur CBC Kids ou Youtube)
J’ai été très touchée au fil des ans par les centaines de lettres, dessins et témoignages d’amour que j’ai reçus des enfants, parents, enseignants et élèves qui ont lu et aimé la série de Stella et Sacha. Emballant de penser que ces deux petits personnages aient suscité autant d’enthousiasme, d’inspiration et de joie.
Un grand merci à tous mes lecteurs, petits, moyens et grands!